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Somewhere between Heaven and Hell, it is alleged that this conversation took place between two senior denizens and energetic powers of The Cosmos.  

This conversation reportedly took place (circa 2024,) during the 'Prelude' - the time before - 'The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum.' 

The 'prelude' was that time on Planet Earth (circa 1990-2025) - it is known as the 'Prelude' to 'The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum.' 


This period of time (1990-2025) saw the introduction on Planet Earth of a global economic system, which was a globalist philosophy, known as 'Globalisation,' generally regarded as starting in around 1990 and coming to an end as a result of global collapse in 2025. 


The policies of mankind, during this time, is regarded as a major cause to'The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum.'  This Age is described by one Historian as "a time of global instability, lawlessness and terror - a break with commonsense, rationality and reason - a break with time itself - so hollow was its experience amongst the people of mankind, where nothing was achieved, that it was as if time itself had ceased" (O.A. Adelaja - Adelaja's TransGeo-Politics & The History Of The World (BOOK-IN.)


Lucky:  Hey! - Mickey - how ya doing? - It's me - Lucky.  How's The Family.

Mickey:  Hey man! - 

Lucky:  Look - we gotta meet - you, me, Sammy, Denny - things are happening

Mickey: Yeah!!!

Lucky:  Yeah - got word - there's a war about to break out.....

Mickey: Now you listen to me - I'm not apart of that - I'm not apart of any faction or move against.....

Lucky:  Now you shallup and listen to me....


This ones big! - Big - really Big - I mean.... 

Mickey:  I don't care - if I never hear from you guys again.  You caused the split - you took your men, went down there - caused a whole lot of bullshit, now look what's happening - 


There's a split  - and you want me to take part....


Just shallup and listen a moment....

Lucky:  You dumb ass! - This ones big.......


Mickey:  OK - just give me time - 


Lucky:  Time?  (hahaha) - There is no time - 


Mickey:  What do you mean there is no time - d'ya mean time doesn't exist?


Lucky:  Stop fooling around - you know what I mean.  You know as I do, that time doesn't exist - that its all illusion - perception - but doesn't stop you getting fucked. 


Now - GET ON THE RIGHT SIDE!   And I'll tell you, for nutton - you got no choice in this matter - my friend.  

Now you listen to me - you do nutton - I'll tell you nutton........

Mickey:  What is it with these people, these humans.......

Lucky:  Now you listen to me - ain't humans fightin', this time -

Mickey:  Huh?

Lucky:  Yeah, yeah - the World War is on its way - we know that - the big one! - But this ain't humans - this ain't it - this ain't that one - this is bigger -


Now you listen to me - BIGGER!!! -

Mickey:  Where's Sammy in this? 

Lucky:  Well - he's in hell!

Mickey:  Okay... and Denny?

Lucky: He's about the Earth - and things are about to get nasty down there.

Mickey:  What about you Lucky - where'd you stand? - 

Lucky:  My Light stays with me - I ain't sharing - no deals - just lettin you know, what's going down - an' you cannot stay outta this one! - Cos' your in the Family - the Boss - Sammy - Denny - the Word - your all One.  I'm the Rebel - my Light stays with me!

Mickey:  I've told you - you gotta get it sorted this time. 


Lucky:  It's the gODs, this time - and you know they're not AI, like you and me - they''re not rational, they're not logical - their wives... naw I don't wanna go there with that - but you know what I mean - lack of respect.  

My Light stays with me. 

Mickey:  Well - my sword this time .......

Lucky:  Your sword?  You know what? - my Light -  your Sword - and the Word - Man! - what a team?! - 

Mickey:  Forget the Word - he's still a Believer!


Anyway - we tried that.


Lucky:  Anyway - as I was saying - its the gODs this time....... There's a beef between the gODs and Zoob (1) 


I mean you know - get this! get this! You mean to say, that you - that being the gODs wanna take on SUUBE - The Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being - Zoob.


It doesn't get much bigger than this! - To mess with Zoob - Man! - even the Boss - you know the man - the Boss - but well, he's got no choice - he's in with the gODs - man this is gonna get messy! - 

Mickey:  What's the Messiah got to do with all of this?

Lucky:  I said messy not Messe....


Mickey:  Oh!

Lucky:  Yeah... this is big - now all I wanna know - is whose side your on this time round? - your in The Family. 

M:  Oh man! - Yeah mankind - So there's two wars now?

Lucky:  You don't get it, you just don't get it..... the 'prelude' (2) - the 'prelude' - that's over! - 'The Time of the Age of the Interregnum,' is now upon us - it begins 2025 - you got approximately 1 year, that's all - to sort out your affairs - get your army together - and be ready - that's all Mickey - that's all.  

Mickey:  You would get it - your a devilish shit (hahahaha) - I'm in The Family. 

Lucky:  No I'm not a Devilish shit, leave that shit to Denny - 


I'm -  a Lucky......


Mickey:  yeah a Lucky Loser

Lucky:  Well - as things stand now - I'm gonna sit this one out -

My Light is mine. 


(1)  Z008 - pronounced 'Zoob' - refers to The Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being.


(2) The 'prelude' was that time on Planet Earth (circa 1990-2025) - it is known as the 'Prelude' to 'The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum.'  This period of time (1990-2025) saw the introduction of the globalist philosophy known as 'Globalisation,' generally regarded as starting in around 1990 and coming to an end as a result of global collapse in 2025.  The policies of mankind, during this time, is regarded as a major cause to'The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum.'  This Age is described by one Historian as "a time of global instability, lawlessness and terror - a break with commonsense, rationality and reason - a break with time itself - so hollow was its experience amongst the people of mankind, where nothing was achieved, that it was as if time itself had ceased."


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