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Now - 

Where do I start?

Where are we - now?

Who am I? - 

That's a good a place as anywhere to start, isn't it?

But first, let's dispense with some minor - yet obligatory matters.


We are not in the Adelaja Foundation - for that Intergalactic Empire, though in the making, has yet to reach these shores.  I speak of shores, as a figure of speech, for I am not on any beach or any shore, in any part, of this Planet.  That Empire - whose Foundation has been laid, is yet to reach this shore - meaning Planet.

I though, being its most senior bureaucrat (and of that much more later) - and being here - now now - keep up with me! - go back a couple of lines - I am not here - as you are there, on Planet Earth, I am here, in my office - my office complex to be precise.  

So, this is not the Adelaja Foundation Empire speaking - but yet it is through me, its most senior representative (Lord ... .) 


But I hear some of you say -

"If you are this Empire's representative - then surely Sir! - you speak for them?" (so now you know, I am the male of the species, of whatever I am.)

"But that is not correct" - I reply - being this Intergalactic Empire's most senior representative.


But it was not always that way for me - At one time, I was the most trusted confidant of the late 'Mafiatzarena.'  You will recognise the element, parts of this title, which have been joined to give the title - 'Mafiatzarena' - that being a formal title and the foremost title of the ruling Empress. 


There were many Empresses ruling simultaneously and there is a strange logic to that system, which I shall not recount now, but which will become clearer as we proceed - but the 'Mafiatzarena' was the title of the greatest of them (its feminine form) - the 'Grand Dame.' 

'Mafiatzarena!!' -

This title is a rough translation into the English tongue of your Planetary languages (this is the second axiom of the Universal Cosmic Language - you know as Codeanguage - access axiom here.)  The title expresses the basic elements of what I mean - symbolising an all powerful ruler and yet more.  But unfortunately, it is inevitable, as a result of the translation from one tongue to another - which in this case, its inaccuracy has to be multiplied by an intergalactic coefficient, with which you must then feed in some inter-dimensional variables.  As a consequence, I fear that my translation of this venerable title - may not be accurate to your minds - but its the best I can do.

Hence - these “Dialogues With Myself” -


For as a leading bureaucrat in that Empire, one of my ‘hobbies’ (hobby:- in my case being - “a ‘gentlemanly’ pursuit, conducted by a person with no aim to gain - since the reward is assumed to be the pursuit of the thing itself.”)


Yes - that’s it - I enter into these “Dialogues With Myself" - for I have no intention to gain much - which is a slight qualification.




So first I will tell you more about myself, since now you know my purpose.   


"Dialogues With Myself, Angels & Demons" -

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Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja & Candice Adelaja


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